Oehlert Solutions Manual

PDF Oehlert Solutions Manual.pdf PDF Trigonometry 10th Edition Lial Solution Manual.pdf PDF Deutz Bf 6m 1013 Fc Engine Manual.pdf PDF English Guide 12th Std State Board.pdf PDF Pipe Manual Branch Cutting Formula.pdf PDF Holden Astra Workshop Manual For Fuse Box.pdf. PDF Oehlert Solutions Manual.pdf PDF English Guide 12th Std State Board.pdf PDF Solution Manual Knoll.pdf PDF Measurement Guide For Women Clothing Template.pdf PDF Autodesk Factory Design Suite User Manual.pdf PDF Robcad User Manual.pdf PDF Food Protection Course Manual Quiz Answers.pdf.

  • Announcements (latest 11/22/02)
  • Information onfinal exam (updated 12/17/02)
  • Assignments(Assignment 12 posted)
  • Solutions toHomework (through HW 12)
  • Solutions toExams (Solutions to Midterm 2 posted)
  • Handouts (updated 12/11/02 with two handouts)
  • Sample Exams (New)
  • Frequently Asked Computing Questions(updated 11/07/02)
  • MacAnova Macros (New)
  • Class notes(Lecture 41 (12/13/02) posted, revisedversion)
  • Data files (New data set 12/13/02)

Information on final exam
I have posted general information on the final examination (PDF file). You are expected to download FinalData.dat (FinalData.dat.txt) containing two data sets to be analyzed prior to the in-class examination on December 21.

I have posted a slightly modifiedversion of this which clarifies how the meat samples were selected.

Announcements (latest11/22/02Manual)
  • The amount expected on assignment 9 has been reduced. See the updated assignment sheet (PDF version) for details.
  • The due date for Assignment 9 was dropped to Monday, 11/25/02.
    The due date for Assignment 10 will be Wednesday, 11/27/02
  • I have posted an errata sheet for Oehlert's book.
  • The midquarter exam is being slipped until November 18. If thatcauses a conflict, please let me know.
  • 10/21/02 I found a typo in data set pr8.4 in data fileOeCh08.dat (OeCh08.dat.txt).It has now been corrected.
  • 10/1/02. The first midterm exam has been rescheduledto Monday October 14. It will covermaterial through Chapter 7 in Oehlert, including any additional materialon these topics presented in lecture.
  • 9/12/02 The due date for assignment 1 has been moved back to Monday,September 16.
  • 9/6/02: I have added a link to a page ofFrequently Asked Computing Questions.
  • 9/4/02: The course has been officially closed for some time. Experienceindicates, but does not guarantee that places will open up as studentschange their minds about taking Stat 5303. If you have been unable toget in, you should put your name on the waiting list (call Dana Tinsley,612-625-8046) and, more importantly, keep trying.
Oehlert InstructorChristopher (Kit)Bingham
146E Classroom Office Bldg (612-625-7023) and 372 Ford Hall(612-625-1024)
Email: kb@umn.edu
Office hours after start of semester 11:35 - 12:35, MWF, 146E ClaOff
Teaching Assistant Lifeng Wang
Email: iamwlf@stat.umn.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, 146K Classroom Office Building, St. Paul

Lecture: MWF 10:40-11:30 a.m., ClaOff B36 in St. Paul.

Lab: Thursday 10:40-11:35m ClaOff 135 (computer lab)

The lab will meet Thursday, September5. The lab will be spent on getting aquainted with MacAnova, thecomputer program you will be using this semester. If you have your owncomputer, you should download the latest version from http://www.stat.umn.edu/macanova/download.html.

Gary W. Oehlert, A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments, W. H. Freeman, 2000

See the Course Information sheet (PDFversion) for moreinformation about coverage, computer use and course policies.

Also download Introductionto MacAnova. It may also be available as a course packet.

You will need the freeware program Acrobat Reader (Acroread) to readthis and other course documents. If you don't have it, you can downloadit from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

Very Tentative Examination schedule

First Midterm ExaminationMonday, October 7, 2002
Second Midterm ExaminationMonday, November 11, 2002
Final Examination (official time) Saturday, December 21, 2002, 1:30-3:30 pm


Assignment 1PDF file
Assignment 2PDF file
Assignment 3PDF file
Assignment 4PDF file
Assignment 5PDF file
Assignment 6PDF file
Assignment 7PDF file
Assignment 8PDF file
Assignment 9PDF file
Assignment 10PDF file
Assignment 11PDF file
Assignment 12PDF file

Solutions to Homeworks 1 - 12 are now available for downloading. They are in the form of PDF documentsprepared by Lifeng Wang. To access solutions, you will need the samepassword as required for class notes.

Exam solutions

  • Midterm Exam 1 Solutions (PDF file).
  • Midterm Exam 2 Solutions (PDF file).


Oehlert Solution Manual

  • Analysis of Completely Randomized Designs (PDF file)
  • Checking ANOVA Assumptions(PDF file)
  • More practice using MacAnova(PDF file)
  • Various MacAnova Topics (PDF file)
  • Finding Sample Sizes and Power (PDF file)
  • Factorial Treatment Structure(PDF file; expansion of 10/10lab handout)
  • More onFactorial Treatment Structure, corrected version of October 17 lab handout(PDF file)
  • One Degree of Freedomfor Nonadditivity, a corrected and extended version of the October23 lab handout (PDF file)
  • Examples of the Analysis of Unbalanced Data (Corrected PDF file)
  • Unreplicated 2-series Factorial Data (PDF file )
  • Examples of Random Effect ANOVA (PDF file)
  • Examples of Mixed Effects ANOVA (PDF file )
  • Analysis of Randomized Complete Block Designs (PDF file, 11/21/02)
  • Examples of the Analysis of Latin Squares (PDF file, 11/21/02)
  • Example of the Analysis of BIBD (PDF file, 12/02/02), data set BIBData.dat (BIBData.dat.txt)
  • Split Plot Examples (PDF file, 12/05/02)
  • Analysis of Confounded Two-Series Factorials (PDF file, 12/11/02), data sets confound.dat (confound.dat.txt)
  • Fractional Replicate of Factorial Design (PDF file, 12/11/02) data sets FractionalRep.dat (FractionalRep.dat.txt)

Sample Exams

  • Sample Second Midterm Exam
  • Samewith solutions

Errors in Textbook

There are some errors in Oehlert's text. Some of them have beencollected in a PDFfile. In particular this contains a correction to the sums ofsquares provided in Exercise 10.1.

Frequently Asked Computing Questions

I have posted a web page for FrequentlyAsked Computing Questions. I expect many of these will concernMacAnova, but other issues may come up.

Topics as of 10/6/02

  • Accessing Acrobat PDF Files (9/7/02)
  • Printing neat ANOVA tables (10/1/02)
  • Why am I getting an error message when I use contrast()? (10/1/02)
  • What does boxcox() do? (10/1/02)
  • What are Cook's D, HII and rankits? (10/1/02)
  • How can I compute the power of a test of a contrast? (10/3/02)
  • Choice of weights to define a contrast that involves more than 2 treatments (10/3/02)
  • Query on Exercise 6.6 (10/6/02)
  • Query on Ex. 7.5 (10/8/02)
  • Is there a easy way to identify the most extreme outliers? (10/28/02)
  • How can I create factors for treatments in standard order? (11/08/02)

MacAnova Macros

I will post here any new MacAnova macros you may find useful.
  • File type2anova.mac (or type2anova.mac.txt) contains macro type2anova(). It computes ANOVA tables with Type II SS (revised version posted 8:00 11/4/02).
    Typical usage:
    Cmd> type2anova('y=a*b*c',fstat:T)
    In place of 'y=a*b*c' you can use any ANOVA model as long as it has no 'aliased' columns (missing degrees of freedom).

Before using a macro file, you should run the following command:

This will bring up a file navigation dialog box. You should find themacro file and select it and click on Open or OK. Then you can use anymacro in the file normally.

Class notes and overheads

Within a few days after most lectures, I will post on the web edited copies of the overheads used. You can download them from http://www.stat.umn.edu/~kb/classes/5303/classnotes.html.You will need the special user name and password announced in class toaccess them.

Please let me know if you have any problem reading them. You willneed a special user name and password provided in class to accessthem.

Oehlert Solutions ManualManual

Data Files

Oehlert data sets
All of the data used in the text is available in computer readableform. You can download data in several forms from http://www.stat.umn.edu/~kb/5303/oehlertdatafiles.html.If you have your own computer, you will probably find it convenient todownload a complete set of files to keep on your hard drive. They willall fit on a single 1.44M floppy disk.

Other data sets
DataFile to download
File of carbonwire data from Anderson and Bancroftcarbonwire.dat
File with data set carton3 containing Carton
Experiment 3 artificial data for Oehlert Example 11.2
File with data set stomata containing data set
used in the sample second mid term exam
File with data set fisherdata used in the handout
on RCB analysis
File with data sets kirkdata and milkdata used in
handout on analysis of Latin squares
File with data set weardata used in the handout
on BIB analysis
File with data set sandt from Steele and Torrie used
in the Lecture 38 (12/06/02) as an example of a split
plot experiment
File with data sets cochcoxtab6.8 and johndata used in the
handout on confounding
File with data sets data1 and data2 used in the
handout on fractional replication
File with data sets tastemeat and activity
to be analyzed before the final exam on 12/21/02
University of Minnesota

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Oehlert Solutions Manual

This book by Gary W. Oehlert was first published in 2000 by W. H. Freeman.As of summer 2010, it has gone out of print. Curiously, I still like thisbook and would prefer to continue using it in my teaching; some of mycolleagues feel the same way. And since the copyright has (will soon) revertedto me, we can do that.

As of October 2010, you may now download a PDF of the complete textfrom this page. The book is Copyright © 2010 by Gary W. Oehlert,but I am distributing it under a Creative Commonslicense. Briefly, youare free to copy, distribute, and transmit this work provided the following conditions are met:

  • You must properly attribute the work.
  • You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

Oehlert Solution Manual

A complete description of the license may be found at theCreative Commonswebsite.

Download Book

You may download A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experimentsby clicking here (1.9 MB PDF).

Download Data

The data fromA First Course in Design and Analysis of Experimentsare available in various formats:

Individual data sets can be accessed over the web asplain text files with labelled columns using a URL like
The xxx takes the form of exmpl3.2 for example 2 from chapter 3,ex2.5 for exercise 5 from chapter 2, and pr13.14 for problem 14from chapter 13. You can access these directly from R via, for example,

All of the individual text data sets accessible via the web as aboveare also available in a single zip archive

Russ Lenth at the University of Iowa has also provided an R package thatinclude the data sets from the book.
Download the package and save the file into a place where R can find it(e.g., your home directory or the desktop). Start R, set the workingdirectory to that location (e.g., use setwd(), and then use
(The repos=NULL says not to find it online but to look for thepackage in the local files; the type='source' tells R the file format.)Once the package is installed, you can do
from within R to load all of the data. At that point, the command
should give you problem 4 from chapter 17.

Note that the data set names, variable names, and variable codingsin oehlert.Rdata and the direct-web-accessible data may not be the same.

oehlert-data.sas An Ascii text filein SAS format. Oehlert-SAS.zip A zip archiveof individual SAS data files.Again, thanks to Russ Lenth for these files.

Single text fileThis is in the MacAnovamatread format.

Both the SAS data format and the MacAnova matread format areplain text files. You can download either and then cut/paste if youneed to put the data into another format.

Test DistributionTest of zip download; don'ttry this at home.

Oehlert Solutions Manual

Test EpubTest of Epub download; don'ttry this at home.

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the pageauthor. The contents of this page have not been approvedby the University of Minnesota.