Forescout Secure Connector Mac

  1. Forescout Secureconnector Windows Download
  2. Forescout Secure Connector Install
  3. Uninstall Forescout Secure Connector Mac

Forescout is Unified device visibility and control platform for IT and OT security.

Read this section and perform all necessary steps before you configure an integration instance.

Forescout Module Requirements

Before you can use this integration in Demisto, you need to enable certain modules in your Forescout environment.

  1. In the Forescout console, from the navigation bar select Tools > Options .
  2. In the dialog that appears, from the categories section on the left, click Modules .
  3. In the main area of the dialog, from the drop-down menu, select Open Integration Module . Make sure that the integration module and the following submodules are installed and enabled: Data Exchange (DEX) and Web API are all installed and enabled. If they aren't, install and enable them.

Configuration Parameters

This is the network address of the Forescout Enterprise Manager or standalone Appliance. (The host on which the the Forescout Appliance is hosted.) For example, if the Forescout Appliance is hosted at the IP address , then you enter .

Web API Username and Password
The credentials entered here should be those created in the Forescout console for the Web API .

  1. In the Forescout console, from the top navigation bar, click Tools > Options .
  2. From the dialog that appears, in the categories section on the left, click Web API , and select User Settings .
  3. Create a username and password by clicking the Add button, and completing the fields. These are the credentials that you will enter when configuring the Demisto-Forescout integration: Web API Username and Password .
  4. Select Client IPs towards the top of the main area of the dialog, next to User Settings .
  5. Add the IP address where your Demisto instance is hosted or allow requests from all IP addresses to make sure that requests made by the Demisto-Forescout integration will be permitted.
  6. Click the Apply button to save the changes you made.

Data Exchange (DEX) Username and Password
The credentials entered here should be those created in the Forescout console for Data Exchange (DEX) .

  1. In the Forescout console, from the top navigation bar, click Tools > Options .
  2. From the dialog that appears, in the categories section on the left, click Data Exchange (DEX) .
  3. Select CounterACT Web Service > Accounts .
  4. Create a username and password by clicking the Add button, and completing the fields. Note : The value you entered for the Name field in the account-creation pop-up window is the value that you should enter for the Data Exchange (DEX) Account configuration parameter.
  5. Click the Apply button to save the changes you made.

The username and password entered in the account-creation dialog are the credentials that you will enter when configuring the Demisto-Forescout integration: Data Exchange (DEX) Username and Password .

Data Exchange (DEX) Account
The Data Exchange (DEX) credentials Name field. This can be found by navigating to Tools > Options > Data Exchange (DEX) > CounterACT Web Service > Accounts .

Important Usage Notes

This integration allows the user to update host properties and Forescout Lists. To create Forescout properties, which can then be updated using the Demisto-Forescout integration, from the Forescout console, navigate to Tools > Options > Data Exchange (DEX) > CounterACT Web Console > Properties . This is where you create new properties. Make sure to associate the properties with the account you created, and which you used in the configuration parameters of the Forescout integration in Demisto. Lists must also be defined and created in the Forescout console before you can update them using the Demisto-Forescout integration. For more information, reference the Defining and Managing Lists section in the Forescout Administration Guide .

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Servers & Services .
  2. Search for Forescout.
  3. Click Add instance to create and configure a new integration instance.
    • Name : a textual name for the integration instance.
    • The network address of the Forescout Enterprise Manager or
      standalone Appliance, e.g. ‘ ’. #disable-secrets-detection
    • Web API Username (see Detailed Instructions (?))
    • Data Exchange (DEX) Username (see Detailed Instructions (?))
    • Data Exchange (DEX) Account (see Detailed Instructions (?))
    • Trust any certificate (not secure)
    • Use system proxy settings
  4. Click Test to validate the URLs, token, and connection.

You can execute these commands from the Demisto CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook. After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.

Base Command

An 802.1X plug-in is also available from ForeScout that would let the appliance capture and participate in 802.1X connection attempts. Authentication support is mainly provided passively with. Chapter 7: Working with Actions Forescout Administration Guide 389 Set Counter This action creates or increments a counter. This action is located in the Manage group of the Actions tree. Use the following fields to define an action that creates a new counter or increments an existing counter. Value A text label for the counter. Because counters are maintained for each endpoint, this label can. ForeScout CounterACT is an automated security control platform that delivers real-time visibility and control of all devices on your network. ForeScout CounterACT automatically identifies who and what is on your network, controls access to your network resources, measures compliance with your security policies, blocks network threats, and remediates endpoint security violations when they occur.

  • Forescout must be configured to apply dynamic ACLs that restrict the use of ports when non-entity endpoints are connected using MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB). MAB is only one way of connecting non-entity endpoints, and can be defeated by spoofing the MAC address of an assumed authorized device.
  • In the Forescout console, from the navigation bar select Tools Options. In the dialog that appears, from the categories section on the left, click Modules. In the main area of the dialog, from the drop-down menu, select Open Integration Module.
Argument Name Description Required
rule_ids Filter hosts by those selected by policies or policy sub-rules. Policies and/or rules should be specified by their IDs. To find policy and rule IDs by which you can filter, run the forescout-get-policies command. If multiple policy and/or rule IDs are entered, only hosts that are selected by all of the policies and/or rules specified will be returned. Multiple policy or rule IDs should be separated by a comma. Optional
fields Filter hosts based on host field values. Enter fields with their associated values in the following format, ‘{field_1}={val_1}&{field_2}={val_2} … &{field_n}={val_n}’ where ‘{field_1}’ through ‘{field_n}’ are replaced by actual field names and ‘{val_1}’ through ‘{val_n}’ are replaced by the desired matching values. Note that a list field may be specified with the values separated by commas. Only hosts whose properties match all the specified values will be returned. For a list of potential host fields that may be specified, try executing the ‘forescout-get-hostfields’ command. A composite property may also be specified. If entered in the format where all the field-value pairs are in a single set of square brackets, for example, ‘{composite_prop}=[{field_1},{val_1},…,{field_n},{val_n}]’ then only hosts for which the specified composite property’s fields all match the values entered will be returned. If entered in the format, ‘{composite_prop}=[{field_1},{val}_1],…,[{field_n},{val_n}]’ where each field-value pair is enclosed in its own set of brackets, then hosts for which the composite property contains any of the field-values specified will be returned. Note that for composite properties, sub-fields should be entered as their internal representation in Forescout. To find internal representation for a composite property’s sub-fields try executing ‘forescout-get-host’ command with the host specified in the ‘identifier’ argument and the name of the composite property entered in the ‘fields’ argument of the command. Optional
Path Type Description
Forescout.Host.ID Number Forescout ID for the host.
Forescout.Host.IPAddress String IP Address of the host.
Forescout.Host.MACAddress String MAC Address of the host.
Endpoint.IPAddress String IP Address of the host.
Endpoint.MACAddress String MAC Address of the host.

Active Endpoints

ID IPAddress MACAddress
3232235820 000c29e9e452
3232235901 000c297cc5ae
3232235828 005056a1ad60
3232235895 000c29497e4e
3232235784 000000000000
3232235807 005056b1488d
3232235793 005056b1a93f

Retrieves an index of Forescout host fields that match the specified criteria.



Argument Name Description Required
search_in Each host field has three searchable parts, the ‘name’, ‘label’, and ‘description’. By default only the ‘name’ will be searched. If you want to expand the search to include the description, you would enter ‘name,description’ for this argument. Optional
case_sensitive Determines whether to match the case of the entered search term. Optional
match_exactly Determines whether the search term is matched against the entirety of the potential host field instead of just seeing whether the host field contains the search term. Optional
search_term The term to filter host fields by. By default, the search will be case insensitive and checked to see if a host field contains the search term unless otherwise specified in the ‘case_sensitive’ and ‘match_exactly’ arguments respectively. Optional
host_field_type Limit the search to host fields whose values are of a certain type. For example, to limit the search to host properties whose values are either boolean, ip or a date enter ‘boolean,ip,date’. Optional
Path Type Description
Forescout.HostField Unknown List index of host properties.

Index of Host Fields

Label Name Description Type
NetBIOS Hostname nbthost Indicates the NetBIOS hostname of the host. string
DNS Name hostname Indicates the DNS name of the host. string
EC2 Public DNS aws_instance_public_dns The public hostname of the EC2 instance, which resolves to the public IP address or Elastic IP address of the instance. string
DHCP Hostname dhcp_hostname The device Host Name as advertised by DHCP string
Linux Hostname linux_hostname Indicates a hostname. Use of this property requires that the host is managed by CounterACT via SecureConnector or remotely. string
Macintosh Hostname mac_hostname Indicates a hostname. Use of this property requires that the host is managed by CounterACT via SecureConnector or remotely. string
Switch Hostname sw_hostname The switch name as defined in the switch string
WiFi End Point Hostname wifi_end_point_host_name string
Virtual Machine Guest Hostname vmware_guest_host Indicates the hostname of the guest operating system. VMware Tools must be running on the endpoint to resolve this property. string
VMware ESXi Server Name vmware_esxi_hostname Indicates the hostname of the ESXi server. string
WLAN Client Username wifi_client_hostname Indicates the user name of the client. string
Forescout Secure Connector Mac
Base Command

Forescout Secureconnector Windows Download

Argument Name Description Required
fields List of host properties to include in the output for the targeted endpoint. If a specified host property is not found, the property is omitted from the outputs. For a list of potential host properties that may be specified, try executing the ‘forescout-get-host-fields’ command. Requested fields should be comma separated. Optional
ip IP (ipv4) of the desired endpoint. Endpoint identifiers - IPs, MAC addresses and object IDs - can be found in the returned outputs when forescout-get-hosts is executed. Optional
mac MAC address of the desired endpoint. Endpoint identifiers - IPs, MAC addresses and object IDs - can be found in the returned outputs when forescout-get-hosts is executed. Optional
id Forescout ID of the desired endpoint. Endpoint identifiers - IPs, MAC addresses and object IDs - can be found in the returned outputs when forescout-get-hosts is executed. Optional
Path Type Description
Forescout.Host.MatchedFingerprint Unknown An endpoint may match multiple profiles. This property indicates all the classification profiles that this endpoint matches.
Forescout.Host.EngineSeenPacket String Indicates the host was seen by CounterACT.
Forescout.Host.Online String Host is online.
Forescout.Host.PrimClassification String Indicates the most specific endpoint function detected. If CounterACT detects multiple endpoint functions, the property is resolved as the most specific value that is common to all the detected functions. If there is no common value, the property is resolved as ‘Multiple Suggestions’.
Forescout.Host.MacVendorString String Indicates a value associated with the NIC Vendor
Forescout.Host.SambaOpenPort String NetBIOS ports are open
Forescout.Host.UserDefFp String Indicates the operating system of the endpoint, as determined by classification tools.
Forescout.Host.Vendor String Network Device Vendor, Type and Model
Forescout.Host.AgentVersion String Indicates the SecureConnector version installed on a Windows host.
Forescout.Host.Fingerprint String Passive OS detection based on Syn packets
Forescout.Host.AccessIP String Indicates the last IP that was investigated for this host
Forescout.Host.VendorClassification String Indicates the most specific vendor and model detected.
Forescout.Host.ManageAgent String Indicates if the host is running SecureConnector.
Forescout.Host.Onsite String Indicates that a host is connected to the organizational network
Forescout.Host.MacPrefix32 String MAC prefix
Forescout.Host.VaNetfunc String Reported CDP VoIP device description for VA netfunc
Forescout.Host.NmapDefFp7 String Nmap-OS Fingerprint(Ver. 7.01)
Forescout.Host.NmapDefFp5 String Nmap-OS Fingerprint(Ver. 5.3)
Forescout.Host.AgentInstallMode String Indicates the SecureConnector deployment mode installed on the host.
Forescout.Host.NmapFp7 String Nmap-OS Class(Ver. 7.01) (Obsolete)
Forescout.Host.ClType String Indicates how CounterACT determines the Network Function property of the endpoint.
Forescout.Host.ClRule String Indicates the rule responsible for classifying the host
Forescout.Host.AgentVisibleMode String Indicates the SecureConnector visible mode installed on the host.
Forescout.Host.OSClassification String Operating System
Forescout.Host.ClassificationSourceOS String Indicates how the Operating System classification property was determined for this endpoint.
Forescout.Host.LastNbtReportTime String Last time when NBT name was reported
Forescout.Host.Misc String Miscellaneous
Forescout.Host.ClassificationSourceFunc String Indicates how the Function classification property was determined for this endpoint.
Forescout.Host.NmapNetfunc7 String Nmap-Network Function(Ver. 7.01)
Forescout.Host.MAC Unknown ARP Spoofing (Obsolete)
Forescout.Host.OpenPort Unknown Open Ports
Forescout.Host.GstSignedInStat String Logged In Status
Forescout.Host.DhcpClass String The device class according to the DHCP fingerprint
Forescout.Host.ADM String Admission Events.
Forescout.Host.DhcpReqFingerprint String The host DHCP request fingerprint
Forescout.Host.DhcpOptFingerprint String The host DHCP options fingerprint
Forescout.Host.Ipv4ReportTime String Indicates the last time that IPv4 reported to the infrastructure
Forescout.Host.DhcpOS String The device OS according to the DHCP fingerprint
Forescout.Host.DhcpHostname String The device Host Name as advertised by DHCP
Forescout.Host.IPAddress String Host IP address
Forescout.Host.MACAddress String Host MAC address
Forescout.Host.ID Number Forescout ID number for the host
Endpoint.IPAddress String IP Address of the host.
Endpoint.MACAddress String MAC Address of the host.
Endpoint.DHCPServer String Endpoint DHCP Server.
Endpoint.Hostname String Hostname of the endpoint.
Endpoint.OS String Endpoint Operating System.
Endpoint.Model String Vendor and Model of the endpoint.
Endpoint.Domain String Domain of the endpoint.

Endpoint Details for IP=

4. Get a list of policies

Retrieves a list of all policies defined in the Forescout platform and
their sub-rules.


There are no input arguments for this command.

Path Type Description
Forescout.Policy.ID String Forescout ID for the policy.
Forescout.Policy.Name String Forescout name of the policy.
Forescout.Policy.Description String Description of the policy.
Forescout.Policy.Rule Unknown List of rules that make up the policy.

Forescout Policies

ID Name Description Rule
2101168655015691125 Primary Classification ID: -1203369125012565008, Name: CounterACT Devices, Description: ,
ID: -5021668745466479821, Name: NAT Devices, Description: When a device is NAT, its other classifications may be inaccurate. Therefore, we put the NAT detection first.,
ID: -275357014618763061, Name: Printers, Description: ,
ID: 4202614624411873493, Name: VoIP Devices, Description: ,
ID: 195929949297431248, Name: Networking Equipment, Description: ,
ID: -6750955562195414496, Name: Storage, Description: ,
ID: -6030907744367556977, Name: Windows, Description: ,
ID: 2278199708439440583, Name: Macintosh, Description: ,
ID: -7562731206926229799, Name: LinuxUnix, Description: ,
ID: 4030118542035508409, Name: Mobile Devices, Description: ,
ID: 168049340370707647, Name: Approved Misc Devices, Description: ,
ID: 8701509617393717735, Name: Multiple Profile Matches, Description: Endpoints matching this sub-rule could not have either their Function or Operating System determined due to conflicting profile matches.nnInvestigate the devices in this sub-rule and either manually classify them or build additional sub-rules to classify them based on patterns you observe. View the values Suggested Function and Suggested Operating System properties to discover the conflicting profile matches.,
ID: -642863379250182254, Name: Other Known Function, Description: ,
ID: -4200038946418694277, Name: Other Known Operating System, Description: ,
ID: 150826048313755731, Name: Other Known Vendor, Description: ,
ID: -8959326502596556700, Name: Unclassified, Description:
-7733328397206852516 Corporate/Guest Control ID: 2240420499151482925, Name: Corporate Hosts, Description: ,
ID: 1248354759835029874, Name: Signed-in Guests, Description: ,
ID: 9151906460028315616, Name: Guest Hosts, Description:
-4928940807449738209 Antivirus Compliance ID: 7661917523791823306, Name: Not Manageable, Description: Optional step: Make Windows machines managable by installing the Secure Connector,
ID: -2012169476997908764, Name: AV Not Installed, Description: Antivirus is not installed.,
ID: 8013197435392890209, Name: AV Not Running, Description: Antivirus is not running.,
ID: 6048295467368903309, Name: AV Not Updated, Description: Antivirus is not updated.,
ID: -7389372863827790785, Name: Compliant, Description:
267720461254861999 sadfsafg asdf

Update a host’s field. Note that if a List field or Composite field has not been defined in Forescout to ‘Aggregate new values from each update’ that performing an update operation on a field will overwrite previous data written to that field.


Argument Name Description Required
update_type The type of update to perform on a host field. Optional
host_ip The IP address of the target host. Required if ‘updated_type’ is ‘update’ or ‘delete’. Required
field Enter the the name of the field to update. Composite fields should be updated using the ‘fields_json’ command argument. Optional
value Value to be assigned to the field specified in the ‘field’ argument. If the value is a list of items, then items should be separated using a comma. Optional
fields_json One may perform multiple field-value assignments using this command argument. The argument should be entered in valid JSON format. This argument is useful for setting composite fields although other fields may be entered as well. For example, ‘{“Example_Composite”: [{“Shape”: “Triangle”, “Color”: “Beige”}, {“Shape”: “Square”, “Color”: “Violet”}], “String_Field”: “Example”}’ where ‘Example_Composite’ is the name of the Composite field in Forescout and ‘Shape’ and ‘Color’ are sub fields. In the example, ‘String_Field’ is a regular host field of type string whose value will be assigned ‘Example’. If the composite field was defined in Forescout as an aggregate property then additional records will be appended, otherwise they will be overwritten. Optional

There is no context output for this command.

Successfully updated 4 properties for host ip=

Base Command

Forescout Secure Connector Install

Argument Name Description Required
update_type The type of update to perform on a Forescout list. Optional
list_names Names of lists defined in the Forescout platform that you wish to update. If the ‘update_type’ is set to ‘delete_all_list_values’ then it is unnecessary to fill in the ‘values’ command argument. Multiple list names should be separated by a comma. To find names of lists that may be updated, navigate to Tools > Options > Lists in the Forescout platform. Required
values The values to add or delete from the lists entered in the ‘list_names’ command argument. Multiple values should separated by a comma. Note that the values entered here will be updated for all of the lists entered in the ‘list_names’ command argument. Optional

There is no context output for this command.

Uninstall Forescout Secure Connector Mac

Successfully added values to the 2 lists.